
1 Gal. Blue Princess Holly Shrub With Bright Red Berries All Winter Long

Original price was: $ 29.95.Current price is: $ 8.99.

SKU: EGHY006 Category: Tag:


Blue Princess Hollies are abundant producers of bright red winter berries that bring a pop of Christmas color to landscapes during and after the holiday seasons each year. This berried foliage attracts and feeds many varieties of birds through the winter, ensuring a continuous show of wildlife in cold seasons. Summer flowers will also attract pollinators such as honeybees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. For this reason, Blue Princess is best planted in sight from main windows, where the presence of color and wildlife can be properly enjoyed. This Holly is also widely planted for color and privacy screens along borders and property lines due to its large size and sharp, spiky foliage that deters movement around this bush. The Blue Princess Holly lives most comfortably in USDA Cold Hardiness Zones 4-8 and reaches a tall height of 15 ft. with a spread of 10 ft.

  • Bright red berries light up landscape in winter months
  • Red berries, blue green foliage, and purple stems provide a unique color display
  • Shiny and tough blue-green leaves
  • Heavy bearer of holly berries


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