Noted for its cold-hardiness and excellent fresh eating qualities, the Celestial Fig is a heavy producer of luscious, richly flavored fruit that matures to purplish-bronze when ripe. Another unique quality that Celestial offers is exceptionally large leaves are that are capable of growing up to a foot long, adding a bit of ornamental value to landscapes as well! When the countless figs begin to emerge on your Celestial Fig Tree, the first thing you’ll notice is their incredible color. The smooth and shiny outer skin glows a magnificent purplish bronze. Slice one open to reveal the bright, pink-amber flesh. This is one fruit that tastes as delicious as it looks. Perhaps that’s why enthusiasts refer to the Celestial as the ‘sugar fig’. This fruit’s rich flavor combined with its crunchy seeds and chewy texture makes the Celestial Fig wonderful fresh off the tree and excellent for preserving.
- Extra large leaves add ornamental value to landscape
- Bright pink amber flesh
- Endures cold temperatures
- Heavy producer
- Self pollinating
- Dark purple figs
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