
Gravenstein Apple Tree – One of the largest and hardiest apple trees! (2 years old and 3-4 feet tall.)

Original price was: $ 39.95.Current price is: $ 11.99.

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The flavor of Gravenstein makes it best used for cooking, baking, and cider-pressing mainly due to its low sugar content and large fruit size. It’s also a great choice due to the massive number of apples produced by a single Gravenstein tree! In fact Gravenstein is one of the largest-growing apple trees cultivated today, giving it the status of a shade tree as well. If you’re looking for the maximum number of apples grown on a single tree, then Gravenstein is likely your best option. This apple is also among the oldest varieties still cultivated today, as records of growing Gravenstein apples date as far back as 1669. That means that this apple has been grown and enjoyed for over 300 years! This is the ultimate testament to its decadent flavor and numerous culinary uses. An interesting quality of Gravenstein is that its apples do not store well at all after being harvested, meaning that they must be eaten or cooked right after being harvested. This is incredibly uncommon in the agricultural world of today, where the shelf life of produce is arguably the most important quality for the industry. The fact that these apples continue to be in high demand despite not storing well is incredibly unique and is a sign that Gravenstein apples are among the best in the world.

What’s great about theGravenstein Apple?

  • Gravenstein is one of the best choices for homemade applesauce and cider due to its extra-large fruit and mildly sweet flavor.
  • One of the largest cultivated apple trees!
  • One of the heaviest-producing apple cultivars due to itsmassive height and spread.
  • Gravenstein is one of the oldest apples still cultivated widely today, its use has been noted as far back as the year 1669.
  • Gravenstein is an exclusiveseasonal variety, typically only available while being harvested. Planting your own tree gives you all the Gravenstein apples you could ever wish for!
Cold Hardiness Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Min. Temperature -30° F, (-35° C)
Self-Pollinating No Botanical Name Malus domestica ‘Gravenstein’
Mature Height (ft.) 10′ – 15′ Mature Width (ft.) 8′ – 12′
Harvest Season Summer through Fall Recommended Spacing (ft.) 8′ – 20′
Best Seasons to Plant for Zones 7 – 11 Fall through Spring Best Seasons to Plant for Zones 2 – 6 Spring
Optimal Soil Condition Acidic – Neutral Blossom Fragrance Mild
Blossom Color White Fruit Color Bright green with red streaks
Tasting Notes Uniquely rich, complex, and tart Flesh Color White


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