Sunflower – Sun Samba – Helianthus annuus
Annual – A carefully formulated blend of scintillating color. You’ll have strong branching stalks with free-flowering big blooms in a full array, including ringed and bicolored faces and fully double flowers. Shades include sunny yellow, deep gold, lemon, mahogany, bronze and golden-orange with many variations. Sun Samba provides endless, strikingly beautiful bouquets and a glorious summer display that turns heads in the garden. Approximately 30 – 35 seeds per pack.
Soil & Water:Make several sowings 3 weeks apart to have a succession of bloom. Keep soil moist and well-weeded and protect seedlings from hungry birds with netting or plastic berry baskets, removing before plants get crowded.No extra amendment is needed unless soil is poor and could benefit from a pelleted, slow release balanced fertilizer.
Planting & Growing:To Plant Outdoors: Plant in full sun in good garden soil when weather is warm and settled both day and night and all danger of frost has passed. Poke seeds into well-worked soil 1/2″ deep and 4 – 5″ apart. Press soil firmly over seeds and keep moist until germination in 8 – 10 days. Thin to 12-15″ apart so plants have ample room to grow. To Start Indoors: Several weeks before the last frost date, sow seeds 1/2″ deep in individual pots of well-drained seed starting mix. Keep moist and provide a strong light source until ready to plant outside when seedlings are large enough to handle. When weather has warmed into the 50°F range, transplant 12-15″ apart in full sun, disturbing the roots as little as possible.
Soil Temperature: above 50°F
Planting Depth: 1/2″
Germination: 8-10 Days
Height At Maturity: 5-8 feet
Sun/Shade: Full Sun
Spacing After Thinning: 12-15″
Approx Seeds per Pack: 60-65 Seeds
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