
Victor Mole/Gopher Repellent Granular 10 lb

Original price was: $ 24.99.Current price is: $ 7.50.

SKU: PBR440 Category: Tag:


  • Effectively repels moles and gophers, voles, armadillos and other burrowing animals
  • Dual Action – repels by scent and taste
  • Tunnel Penetrating Formula – penetrates tunnel and contaminates moles underground food source
  • Provides 10,000 sq. feet of coverage
  • Concentrated formula contains 10% castor oil
  • Easy-to-apply instructions
  • Safe to use in gardens and lawns when used as directed
  • Convenient, re-sealable bag

Castor oil based mole and gopher repellents provide a natural and eco-friendly way to control these pests in lawns, gardens, and farms. Castor oil, taken from the castor bean plant, has compounds that moles and gophers don’t like, so they won’t dig or look for food in treated areas. In this detailed guide, we explore the advantages, ways to use, and how well castor oil based mole and gopher repellents work.

Using mole repellents is a good way to stop these pests from making ugly tunnels in lawns and gardens. Mole tunnels, which can be quite long and ruin the look of landscapes, are often seen in areas where moles are a problem.

Likewise, gopher mounds, formed by pocket gophers as they dig their complex tunnels, can cause issues for property owners. Applying mole repellents on the soil surface can help homeowners keep moles and pocket gophers from digging and searching for food in treated areas, which helps reduce damage to lawns and gardens.

These repellents give off smells or tastes that moles and gophers don’t like, so they stay away from digging and messing up their tunnels. Regularly using mole repellents helps control mole and gopher problems and keeps outdoor areas looking nice.

Benefits of Castor Oil Based Repellents:

  • Environmentally Friendly: Mole and gopher repellents made from castor oil are natural and safe to use around kids, pets, and helpful creatures like earthworms and bees. Unlike chemical pesticides, these repellents do not pose a risk to the environment or contaminate soil and water sources.

  • Non-Toxic: Repellents made from castor oil are safe for mammals and birds, providing a humane option instead of using traps or poison. By repelling moles and gophers without harming them, these repellents provide effective pest control while minimizing harm to wildlife.

  • Long-lasting: Repellents made from castor oil create a shield in the soil, keeping moles and gophers away for a long time. Once applied, the repellent remains active for weeks or even months, depending on environmental conditions and application rates.

Application Methods:

  • Spray Application: Castor oil based mole and gopher repellents are typically applied as a spray or liquid solution. Mix the repellent with water as directed by the manufacturer, then use a sprayer to spread the solution evenly over the area where you need it. Repeat applications may be necessary for optimal effectiveness, especially in areas with heavy mole or gopher activity.

  • Granular Application: Some castor oil based repellents are available in granular form, making them easy to apply using a spreader or by hand. Scatter the granules evenly over the soil surface, focusing on areas where moles and gophers are most active. Water the treated area thoroughly to activate the repellent and encourage penetration into the soil.

  • Concentrate Application: For big properties or serious infestations, you can use concentrated forms of castor oil based repellents. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to mix the concentrate with water, then use a backpack sprayer or hose-end sprayer to apply it for wide coverage.

Effectiveness of Castor Oil Based Repellents:

  • Targeted Action: Castor oil based repellents work by creating an unpleasant environment for moles and gophers, deterring them from tunneling and foraging in treated areas. The strong smell and taste of castor oil mess up the pests’ senses, making the soil uncomfortable for them and stopping them from digging.

  • Behavioral Modification: In addition to repelling moles and gophers, castor oil based repellents may also modify their feeding behavior, causing them to seek alternative food sources outside of treated areas. By disrupting the pests’ foraging patterns, these repellents help prevent damage to lawns, gardens, and agricultural crops.

  • Environmental Considerations: While castor oil based repellents are generally effective against moles and gophers, their success may vary depending on soil type, moisture levels, and other environmental factors. In sandy or porous soils, the repellent might wear off faster, so you might need to apply it more often to keep it working well.

Castor oil based mole and gopher repellents offer a natural, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly solution for controlling these burrowing pests. By repelling moles and gophers without harming them or the surrounding ecosystem, these repellents provide effective pest control while promoting environmental stewardship and sustainability. Whether you use it as a spray, granule, or concentrate, castor oil based repellents give homeowners, gardeners, and farmers a safe and kind way to deal with mole and gopher problems instead of using chemical pesticides.


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