Biochar is produced by pyrolysis, a process of heating dry biomass at extreme temperatures in an oxygen free environment that results in a charcoal type material with an enormous amount of microscopic porous surfaces. Those surfaces act as sites to hold nutrients, soil microbes and moisture.
Biochar can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by sequestering atmospheric carbon in the soils for thousands of years.
We are offering Black Owl Biochar, which we feel is the best biochar on the market.
- Black Owl Biochar is manufactured from 100% sustainably managed and untreated forest wood waste. It is processed at over 1000° C.
- Unlike most commercial biochars, Black Owl Biochar tests negative for PAH’s (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and PCB’s. Most biochars are not even tested for these characteristics.Even OMRI doesn’t require it. Lower temp biochars are much more likely to contain these contaminants.
- Biochar encourages soil biodiversity by creating a habitat for beneficial soil microbes and fungi.
- It provides a rich source of carbon and organic matter in the soil and improves soil texture, organic content, aeration and tilth.
- It decreases nutrient leaching and improves cation exchange capacity for greater nutrient availability.
- Biochar also increases the water holding capacity of the soil and can moderate soil acidity in acidic soils.
- It can last thousands of years in the soil. One application is all that is needed.
Biochar is sterile when it is made and it tends to take up nutrients into its microscopic pores. Therefore, it can bind up soil nutrients when first added to the soil.It is best to “pre-charge” the biochar by mixing it with composts, organic fertilizer, worm castings, humates, mychorrizae, soil microbes and/or compost teas. Let the mix sit a week or two to “pre-charge” before adding it to your beds. Or incorporate all your ingredients, including biochar into your planting beds, irrigate and wait a week or two before planting.
Black Owl Biochar is sold by the cu ft.Weight can vary due to moisture content depending on atmospheric conditions. It can weigh 12-18 lb.
Application Instructions:
- For vegetable and flower beds, spread 1/2”-1” layer over the bed and incorporate with soil amendments to a depth of at least 4”-6”. You want to get it down to the root zone.
- For lawns, aerate and then sprinkle or use a lawn fertilizer spreader to fill the holes and water in.
- For potting mixes, add no more than 3-5% biochar. More is not better.
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