Music Garlic is a porcelain, hard neck variety that produces larger-than-average cloves are encased in white, though the cloves themselves are a yummy shade of pink, have a soft texture and are one of the easiest varieties to peel. Considered medium-hot, Music garlic has true, long-lasting garlicky flavor, and is considered a gourmet variety by many, as well as being one of the tallest growing varieties, some gardeners reporting scapes 3-4 feet tall! But you would expect that with the bulbs being so large!Each Music Garlic Bulb averaging 4 to 6 large cloves per bulb.
Planting Instructions:
- – Plant cloves in fall, 4-6 weeks before first frost
- – Plant with pointed end up, 2 inches deep
Soil Preparation:
- – Ideal soil pH: 6.0-7.0
- – Well-drained, fertile soil rich in organic matter
Watering Specifics:
- – Water deeply when soil is dry
- – Reduce watering as harvest nears in the spring
Fertilizer Type:
- – Apply balanced fertilizer at planting
- – Side-dress with nitrogen in spring when growth begins
Pruning and Training:
- – Remove flower stalks (scapes) to focus energy on bulb growth
- – Not necessary for bulb formation
Additional Pest Management:
- – Watch for onion maggots and thrips
- – Use row covers if pests are a problem
Harvesting Indicators:
- – Harvest when leaves begin to yellow and fall over
- – Dig up bulbs and cure in a warm, dry place for 2-3 weeks
- – Store in a cool, dry place for several months
Companion Plants:
- – Roses: Repels aphids
- – Tomatoes: Deters spider mites
- – Beets: Improves growth
- – Carrots: Repels carrot flies
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